Lysin Platform
Zeus™ - Discovery Platform
Zeus™ anti-bacterial lysin bio-informatics platform evaluates and optimizes the potential of thousands of first-in-class antimicrobial therapeutics for the precise augmentation of antimicrobial properties for commercial application.
Expedites precision antimicrobial discovery, enabling far more effective microbiome editing than existing approaches do.: Holds almost 90 million candidate payloads within databases. Analyzed over 2.0 million input sources for endolysin candidates. Identified endolysins for over 70,000 taxa/candidate taxa of bacterial targets.
The platform has already successfully produced several validated lead lysins against difficult-to-target organisms.
Has the power to discover and develop payloads targeting virtually any bacterial species of interest. Gram-negative lysins identified to-date appear effective, even in the presence of human serum. Manufacturable at a low cost of goods. Particularly promising leads to target multiple difficult-to-treat vaginosis pathogens.
LysiThru™ – Lysin Screening
LysiThru™ is a proprietary discovery platform that allows the high-throughput identification and engineering of gram-positive and gram-negative lysins with commercial potential. High throughput creates a materially competitive advantage. The largest published library of screened lysin clones is about 940 clones. LysiThru™ has screened as many as 800 clones in a single day.
The platform has already been successful producing several lead lysins against difficult-to-target organisms. Several of the lead lysins are now in late stage pre-clinical development. A number of these lead lysins are against ESKAPE pathogens, including MDR gram-negative pathogens. The gram negative lysins created to-date appear effective, even in the presence of human serum, and are manufacturable at a low cost of goods.
This industry-leading high throughput system assures that Precisio will remain at the forefront of the industry.